How full is your cup?

I often find my clients (and even myself - yes I am human too) doing everything for everyone else, and leaving no time or energy for themselves. As a mum, it is easy to get caught up in prioritising the kids and family, social events, family functions, and work. But what is left for YOU?

I like to use the analogy of a cup. If your cup is empty, you have nothing left to give to those around you - you are tired, flat, lethargic, exhausted, and no good to yourself or others. So it is important to continually fill your own cup, thus enabling you to have something to give to others.

How do you fill your cup? Everyone is different - but it all comes down to doing what makes YOU happy. It may be going for a walk each day with music blasting in your ears, it might be a monthly massage, it may be sitting in the bath, reading a book, taking singing or dancing lessons, or just relaxing and enjoying quiet time each day.

Make it a priority to fill your cup every day by doing something that truly makes you happy. Only when you have a full cup are you able to then spread that around to others around you and make them happy too.


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